MLA Gonuguntla Suryanarayana said that efforts are being made to set up an industry in Gottlour village in the zone to enable women to get self-employment. Under the auspices of Yogi Mukteshwari Mataji, Chairperson of Paramapita Venkataramanacharya Guruvu Charitable Trust of the town, a free sewing and computer training program was conducted for 85 women in Gottlour village. The event ended on Friday. The MLA addressed the audience as the chief guest at the closing ceremony. Women have the opportunity to get employment with sewing training. If all the women form a group of 50-60 people, they will work hard to set up an industry in Gottlour to get self-employment. Through these, it is possible to earn up to Rs 10,000 per month. For this, training will have to be taken in Bangalore. The government is working to ensure that women achieve economic growth in all sectors. The event was attended by Municipal Vice Chairman Ambarapu Srinivasu, ZPTC Ramanjineyulu, Trust members Ashok Kumar, Ramanjaneyachari, Mallikarjuna, Nagabhushan, Manijnanasree, Gorakati Pothireddy, Sarpanchi Sivayya, and others.PR
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