Local Sarpanch Shivayya on Friday inaugurated a buttermilk distribution center set up under the auspices of Paramapita Venkataramanacharyaguru Charitable Trust at Gottlour in the zone. Utla Parusha was organized in Gottlour on the occasion of Sri Ramanavami. Yogimukteshwari Mataji said that a buttermilk distribution center has been set up as thousands of people have flocked to the parusha from the surrounding villages. He said that people were suffering due to the high sun and the center was set up. The event was attended by Trust Vice Chairman Ashok Kumar, Secretary Ramanjaneya Chari, Deputy Secretary Mallikarjuna, Treasurer Nagbhushan, Convener Manijnanashree, Gorakati Pothireddy, and others.
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