Parma Sansthanam in local Siddhayagutta, Parmapita Venkataramanacharya Guru Charitable Trust on Saturday distributed eyeglasses to 81 people. Recently a mega free medical camp on various medical topics was organized in Basampally under the auspices of the trust. While 91 people were selected for surgery in the eye examination camp held as part of this ... only 81 people underwent surgery. Eighty-one people who underwent surgery were called to an ashram in the town on Saturday and eyeglasses were distributed free of cost at the hands of Parma Peethadhipati Mataji Yogi Mukteshwari. Trust board members Ashok Kumar, Ramanjaneyachari, Mallikarjuna, Nagabhushan, Manijnanashree, retired teacher Sanjeevappa, disciples, and others participated in the program.
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